Monday, December 7, 2009

RGT - Response Group Trendline

Naamsa is the National Association of Automobile Manufacturers of South Africa. They pass on car sales statistics to RGT or Response Group Trendline for processing. Until recently the basic figures available free were grouped under distributors. So in some cases telling how many cars an individual brand was selling was impossible as they were often combined with other brands. Most people wouldn't say anything but I guess I'm not most people. I wrote to Naamsa and suggested breaking the stats down into separate marques under the distributor. I have written occasionally before to associations such as Naamsa and cannot recall anyone acting on it. Naamsa however did! They promptly wrote to RGT, their statistical subcontractor (I think that is what you could call them). Then I got an email immediately from RGT saying it was a good idea and it was done. Wow.
If you want more detail than just the basic sales, there are subscriptions of all sorts that give you varying degrees of information, but for simple sales stats of South African car sales, copy and paste the link -
There you will see how they now have each brand separated. Please note that some brands are not there as they come under another association, and they give out nothing. Naamsa are more public spirited. So well done Naamsa and RGT.

The bottom line: It's nice to know that there are people who read and reasonably think about suggestions, acting promptly when appropriate.

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